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EBFLogoAn Open Letter to the European Baptist Federation 


Dear Asatur, Jenni and Tony,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

When I met with the EBF Executive earlier in the year I assured you of our continuing commitment to relationships with our European sisters and brothers in Christ against the backdrop of our EU Referendum campaign.  As the result of that Referendum has become known this morning I wanted to write to you to re-iterate the importance of our relationships with the EBF.

Today we, as the Baptist Union of Great Britain, declare afresh that we are one in Christ and no referendum result will change that.  Despite all the challenges and opportunities of political, economic, cultural and environmental change we face across Europe, our first allegiance must always be to our Lord.  We are first and foremost citizens of the Kingdom of God.
We value enormously the relationships that we have with the 54 member Unions that form the EBF.  Not only do we count it a privilege to serve other Unions across Europe and the Middle East, we are also deeply served and enriched by the faith, insight and experience of leaders and churches from their differing contexts.  This not only happens through our formal gatherings, but also through the countless links with individuals and churches that we share with you.  In this way we experience what it means to be the Body of Christ.

Thank you for your prayers for us during this campaign.  I would ask that you would continue to pray in the weeks and months ahead.  Our churches and leaders have the opportunity to be peacemakers in a divided country.  We are also called by the Lord to continue to offer and embody a prophetic voice that seeks God’s Kingdom in our public life.  Many of you know only too well the cost and the blessing to the church of being faithful in uncertain times; we look to you to stand with us and hope and pray that we will be able to imitate you as you have followed Christ.

Please be assured that we shall also continue to pray for churches and leaders in the EBF.  As the ripples of our decision work their way across the European political landscape, for good or for ill, we must, together, renew our trust in the Lord and not be afraid. 

What remains true is that the Lord will be exalted among the nations, He will be exalted in the earth.  One day His Kingdom will come and all things will be made new.

Yours in Christ,

Lynn Green

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European Baptist Federation draws together Baptists in Europe and the Middle East
SubArticleD2019, otherbaptistgroups
An Open Letter to the European Baptist Federation
A letter from Lynn Green in response to the EU Referendum
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