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'Christians would help Syrian refugees'

More than four in five churchgoers would personally help Syrian refugees this Christmas, if presented with a practical way to do so

Embrace - feed a familyAnd two in three believe the British government has not yet done enough to support work with Syrian refugees in Europe and the Middle East.

These are some of the key findings in a survey of UK Christian views on the migrant and refugee crisis carried out this month for the charity Embrace.
While almost nine in ten have taken or signify a desire to take some kind of action, to date only one in four (28 per cent) have donated to an emergency appeal for refugees. In addition, almost one in three (31 per cent) would be willing personally to house a refugee or refugee family for up to a year.
'These statistics reveal hundreds of thousands of Christians ready and willing to be part of the solution to the biggest refugee crisis since 1945,' said Jeremy Moodey, CEO of Embrace.

'The challenge facing both the government and the church is to show practical ways they can do so.
‘Christians recognise the need to deal with this terrible refugee crisis both on their doorsteps and at source.

'They want to respond to the desperate needs of those arriving in Europe, but also to help the millions of displaced people still left in the Middle East, to give them hope for a future.'

In September Baptists pledged to house more than 300 Syrian refugees in their homes.

Embrace has produced a series of refugee focussed alternative gifts this Christmas

Visit our dedicated section for Baptist responses to the refugee crisis, including stories, statements and prayers



Baptist Times, 16/11/2015
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