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'Stop Cuban Baptist church being taken'

Global advocacy charity Christian Solidarity Worldwide is encouraging Christians to sign a petition against the confiscation of a Cuban Baptist church by its government

Maranatha First Baptist Church has been informed that the government is going to confiscate the church building and it will have to pay rent to the state. If this goes ahead, the government could dictate what does or doesn’t happen in the building.

CSW has set up a petition to protest what’s happening, encouraging Christians to ‘tell the Cuban embassy you won’t stand by silently while a church is taken.’

‘With Cuba officially a Communist state, and the government doing everything it can to stamp out religion, it’s not difficult to work out that this would be a disaster for Pastor Amado and his congregation,’ CSW states.

‘We’ll deliver your signatures to the church to encourage them, and to the Cuban embassy in London, sending a strong message to the Cuban government that we won’t stand by and allow them to confiscate churches.’

Although the church is facing hardship, there is nevertheless encouraging news among its congregation, as shared in a recent message to CSW from its leader Pastor Amado Oliveros.

‘Cordial greetings to our brothers and sisters and friends who have stood alongside us in these days,’ he wrote.

‘I am writing to tell you that we are still in the same situation, in the sense that there has been no statement from the authorities. We trust in our God and we hope that the government officials in charge of our case are using these days of silence in order to find a viable alternative that will not in any way involve confiscation. In the meantime we continue with our regular programmes.

‘We want to share some good news. Last Sunday, 30 May, in the evening 52 young people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. It was a glorious night.

'After many days of prayer and preparation, we held a special service designed for children and young people. The church was completely full and when we gave the call to come to God, the number mentioned above responded.

'God continues to show his mercy, removing children and adolescents from the fog of this world.’



Baptist Times, 05/06/2015
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