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'A visible sign of our connectedness'

A prayer initiative that brings together our Baptist Union and seeks to place Jesus at the centre of everything we do is taking place between now and next year’s Assembly.

Two crosses featuring the names of Baptist churches are currently journeying around the country.

Cross400The crosses were created at the recent Assembly: people wrote the names of their churches on them while delegates prayed for Jesus to be the centre of our churches, Associations, colleges and Union.

In that session General Secretary Lynn Green had a vision that the crosses could be sent around our churches in the coming year and continue to inspire prayer for one another.

A letter from Lynn and Jonathan Somerville, pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church who led the Assembly prayer session, is being sent to Associations explaining the thinking.

The crosses have begun their journeys in the Heart of England and Southern Counties Baptist Associations, and will continue to travel around Associations until next May, when the Baptist Assembly is being held in Peterborough.

Those receiving them are being encouraged to pray:
  1. That Jesus would be at the centre of our churches, and that His kingdom would be seen as local disciples seek to participate in the mission of God where they are.
  2. That Jesus would be the centre of our regional Associations, giving life and strength to the church, and sharing resources, wisdom and fellowship in such a way that churches and ministers are better equipped to share in the mission of God.
  3. That Jesus would be the centre of our Union. That from the way we share life beyond our Associations and through our national resource in Didcot our whole Union would be marked by a deep desire to play our part in the mission of God.
Prayer is also encouraged for all those mentioned on the crosses. An open Facebook page (called “Baptist Union Prayer Crosses”) has been created to enable people to upload photos when they receive them.

A prayer written about our Union for the Baptist Assembly by Phil Jump, regional minister team leader of the North Western Baptist Association, is also being shared. Any prophetic words, particular scriptures, or reflections following praying with the cross can be sent to Jonathan.

‘There may be other ways you feel God is calling you to pray, so please don’t feel restricted by these suggestions,’ Lynn and Jonathan wrote.

‘Once again, we’re grateful to you for sharing in this prayer journey between Assemblies, and pray that God would encourage you with faith and hope as you bring before Him your prayers for our life together.’

Writing on the Facebook page, David Kerrigan, General Director of BMS World Mission, said, ‘One of the crosses was in our association (SCBA) over recent weeks, and at our church last Sunday.

‘A wonderful, visible reminder of our connectedness.’  

Baptist Times, 05/06/2014
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