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Recognitions and valedictions 

Baptist ministers, lay preachers and mission workers took centre stage on Saturday evening.

MinistersThe session, a highlight of many an Assembly, sees the recognition of ministers transferred to the fully accredited list, and the valediction of mission workers heading overseas.

‘I always find this is an evening where God does something special in our hearts,’ said BMS General Director David Kerrigan, ‘because he is calling his people.’

There were both returning and new mission workers, the latter giving a brief testimony about that they will be doing. Nepal, Mozambique and Albania. are among the countries they are going to.

The ministers’ names were read by a representative of their Association, before they shook hands with Lynn, David and new President Chris Ellis.
The commissioning saw all asked a series of questions from Lynn Green and Jeanie Herbert, and the congregation was asked to help, pray and financially support them. People then gathered around, laid hands on and prayed for each minister and mission personnel.

NBC cycleOne of the newly accredited ministers was Paul Carter, who had travelled to Assembly on bicycle from Bristol. Paul, who was accompanied on the 136 mile journey by friends from Nailsea Baptist Church (where he is associate minister), left on Thursday evening before arriving on Saturday afternoon.

The group raised money for Judy Cook, the BMS mission worker supported by the church, and Children’s Hospice South West.

‘It was a time to reflect on the last seven years, where God has been on the journey, as well as appreciate nature,' said Paul (pictured centre). 'We saw things we wouldn’t if we had just driven.

'To do it as a team was fantastic – but I don’t want to see another canal path for a while!’

Visit Paul's fundraising page
Baptist Times, 11/05/2014
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