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Thanks expressed for Home Mission appeal

Thanks have been expressed for the 2013 Home Mission appeal, which has clocked in at just below £4m

Home Mission is the Baptist family purse which enables Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and demonstrate the love of God to their communities.

The figures for 2013 have just been released and although there was a drop of two per cent on last year’s figure, the response was described as ‘positive and encouraging’ by David Locke, Support Services team leader.

Home Mission
Mr Locke cited the context of a transitional year for our Baptist Union, the ongoing challenges for churches of the pension deficit recovery payments and the general economic climate.  

‘This is a result that we give God thanks for,’ he said. ‘We are very grateful to our churches and members who have given sacrificially in 2013. We also give our thanks to all the Association staff who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to promote Home Mission in 2013.

‘We are excited by the new missional opportunities this will enable – work that has the potential to be transformational in local communities around the UK.’

Mr Locke’s thoughts were echoed both by the Revd Lynn Green, general secretary of our Baptist Union, and treasurer Malcolm Broad.

Mrs Green said, ‘God is faithful! I am very fortunate to be able to see how our giving is invested in people and communities and making a difference all around the country.

‘As Scripture says, ‘The harvest is plentiful’, so please keep praying, volunteering and giving so that we can be part of God’s mission to our world.’

Mr Broad added, ‘Whilst a little disappointing we didn’t quite reach £4 million in 2013, nevertheless we recognise this is still a very good result given the ongoing economic backdrop. We are very grateful that churches continue to be generous in supporting the Appeal.’

In the context of the overall accounts for our Union, the Appeal has helped us to be ‘much closer towards our goal of achieving a balanced financial position,’ said Mr Locke.

The accounts also include legacy, investment and subscription income, and will be finalised in February. Our Union also has lower costs due to the restructuring last year.  ‘This means the appeal has given us an excellent springboard for growth and development in 2014,’ said Mr Locke.

There was a mixed picture in giving across the Associations, with four showing an increase on their 2012 figure (Northern, Yorkshire, Southern Counties and Heart of England). There was also an increase in direct giving.

Home Mission is used in many creative ways, and through it hundreds of lives have been affected and many have found faith in Jesus. A selection of stories is featured on the Baptists Together website, in the regional sections of The Baptist Times, and Baptists Together Magazine.

Baptist Times, 23/01/2014
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