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Portsmouth Sunday School Celebrates 200th Anniversary 

April 2013

The group, at the church in Powerscourt Road, North End, Portsmouth, is holding a celebration service on Sunday 28 April at 10.45 am 

Portsmouth Sunday School celebThe School's 20 members, who range in age from four to 13, are also going on an outing, with teachers and parents, to Paultons Park the day before the special church service.

Sunday School Teacher Janice Nelson, who has been in the role for 23 years, says 'Our 200th birthday is an amazing achievement and we can't wait to celebrate. We'd warmly welcome hearing memories from any former members and are looking forward to the years the Sunday School has to come.'

The Sunday School started at Lake Lane (later known as Lake Road) in 1813 in a room of a private rented house, with church buildings being built in 1822 and updated in 1865. In 1822, 700 children were attending the Lake Lane Sunday School.

When the church buildings were destroyed in the Second World War, the congregation moved to a former Methodist premises to start Lake Road Baptist Church in 1950, in Powerscourt Road, North End.

In the 1970s the church changed its name to Powerscourt Road Baptist Church and then in 2002 it changed again to North End Baptist Church.

Any former members wishing to attend the celebration service are asked to email nebcsundayschool@gmail.com.
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