The event takes place at Spurgeon's College on Friday 30 November and is entitled 'Multi-cultural Churches - the Next Step'. It will take place from 10am-4pm.
A keynote speaker is the Revd Dr Malcolm Patten, whose recent research informs and motivates much of the conference content. This research investigates the issues that arose when a Baptist church in south London was deliberately developed multiculturally.
He said, 'Many churches, especially in London, are ethnically diverse, and their leaders will I am sure benefit from having certain relevant issues presented plainly and addressed.
'A particular issue is how power is used and abused and speaker Revd Dr Pat Took, the former President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, will share the wealth of insight she has on this subject.'
Other contributors include the Revd Joe Kapolyo, pastor of Edmonton Baptist Church in North London, who will explore biblical reading and preaching from a different cultural perspective. Originally from Zambia, he has led multicultural Churches in Zambia, Zimbabwe and is a former Principal of the Theological College of Central Africa in Zambia as well as All Nations Christian College.
He contributed a commentary on Matthew in the widely acclaimed one volume
Africa Bible Commentary and is also author of the book
The Human Condition, Christian Perspectives through African Eyes (IVP).
Dr Patten, currently pastor of Blackhorse Road Church, Walthamstow, and the Revd Rupert Lazar will present a case study of how they successfully dealt with the multi-cultural issues that arose in a particular church.
They have both been pastors in multicultural churches for over 20 years and worked together for seven years (West Croydon Baptist Church) with a particular commitment to developing multicultural approaches to ministry - during which time Dr Patten undertook research into the issues that arise.
The conference is the latest in a series of one-day conferences and workshops, initiated by Spurgeon's and aimed at those in local church ministry, ordained and lay. It is hoped that those who attend will find much to feed the mind and ideas to take back to their own churches. Further titles will be announced shortly.
Organiser Terry Wright said, 'Spurgeon's College is pleased to continue its series of one-day conferences to help local church ministers, preachers and worship leaders engage with current issues in the Church.
'The conference on multi-cultural churches should prove especially helpful, as more and more local churches find themselves welcoming an increasingly ethnically- and culturally-diverse membership.'
To attend the conference, email Terry Wright at for a booking form. Prices are £30, including lunch and refreshments and £15 for full-time students (any institution) and the unwaged.