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Inspectors praise Bristol Baptist College 


Bristol Baptist College - the world's oldest Baptist College - has received a highly encouraging inspection

The team of inspectors representing the ecumenical Quality in Formation Panel commended Bristol for its 'excellence in the formation of women and men for ministry in the churches of the Baptist Union', with recommendations in only a small number of areas.

The visit took place in October, and the report has just been published.

It noted the College's contribution in forming ministers, in training youth workers, in developing courses in ministry with children and families, and in community learning.

It praised the active partnerships with validating universities and the deep relationship the College has developed with Trinity College, Bristol with its evangelical identity and its specialism in preparing people for the Anglican ministry.

The inspectors were especially impressed by the way the College keeps mission and prayer at the centre of all its activities. They also praised the outstanding commitment and expertise of the College staff.Inspectors praise Bristol Bapt

The inspection covers 16 areas and the team found they had confidence in the College in all of them.
That confidence was qualified in only three areas, none of which directly involve education or students. These areas related to the governance, business planning and financial policies, which the report noted would be vitally important in securing the College's future as a whole, particularly as it looks at a closer association with Trinity. Nevertheless it added that the inspectors 'have every confidence in believing that the College is well able to respond positively to the recommendations we have made, and that the issues will be satisfactorily resolved over the coming year.'

Principal Dr Stephen Finamore said, 'The College appreciates the many positive comments and helpful recommendations in the report, lots of which had already been identified by the College's own self-evaluation processes.

'There are some things to work on but we are delighted that our vision for mission and ministry in the 21st century has gained such an enthusiastic response.

'Our active partnerships with significant mission agencies such as BMS World Mission and Urban Expression mean that the College has been recognized as breaking new ground in meeting the challenges of discipleship and cross-cultural mission in today's world.'

Bristol Baptist College currently has around 100 students on its undergraduate and postgraduate courses in theology, ministerial formation, youth and children's ministry. It dates from 1679, but was reconstituted in 1770.

For more details of its courses visit www.bristol-baptist.ac.uk

The purpose of the Quality in Formation Panel is to publish inspection reports to inform churches, students and other interested parties of the standards being achieved in training institutions and to continue to raise the standard of training.

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