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Debt Driving more Towards Suicide: Charity 

Four in ten people say their debts are driving them to contemplate suicide, new research by a Christian debt counselling charity has revealed

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) asked more than 1,500 clients how they felt before they began receiving its debt counselling help.

The results, revealed on World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10), show 40 per cent of clients said they had considered or attempted killing themselves.

CAP's chief executive Matt Barlow said the results have given the charity an added determination to get its message out, that help is at end.

'Significant changes in circumstance can trap people into debt - job loss, illness and relationship breakdown are common ones - but these are emotional issues as well as financial and can lead to feelings of deep despair as the debt spirals and life becomes unbearable.

'Most worryingly, the number of new clients who have told us they were feeling suicidal has risen by three per cent in a single year.

'This gives us new determination to get our message out: We want those who feel they have reached rock bottom to know they are not on their own and that recovery is possible. We know that because we see people come back from their darkest moments every day.'

The charity currently has 205 church-based centres offering a free service.

The care of trained centre managers is backed by the financial expertise of the Bradford head office, enabling clients to receive face-to-face home visits while experts contact and negotiate with their creditors centrally.

One mum-of-two from Nottingham struggled with debts after a marriage breakdown.

'I got depressed because of a lot of things, the debts and the feeling that I'd let my sons down,' she said.

'Everything was in such a mess. You feel guilty which leads to depression. The doctor put me on medication and one night, I tried to commit suicide.'
Now, paying off what she owes with a budget drawn up by the charity, and supported by her local CAP centre, her outlook has radically changed.
'It's wonderful now. Each day I feel I'm blessed for another day.'

Today sees the launch of U Can Cope, a campaign backed by multiple organisations to demonstrate anyone can reach a low point and that there is hope and help.

If your church would like to help save more lives from debt-related suicide, call CAP's partnership team on 01274 760580. For debt help visit www.capdebthelp.org

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