Money for Buildings
Baptist Union Loan Fund can provide loans to churches wishing to buy or redevelop property. This includes money to help churches buy a manse.
Churches looking for loans of under £30,000 should perhaps begin by approaching their Association for a loan.
We don’t provide grants for building work, however we have collated information about other sources of funding. We also have a leaflet explaining the VAT allowances available through the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme.
You can find
leaflets on these topics through the link on this page, through the website search facility, or by clicking on the ‘Resource Library’ tab at the top of every page.
In addition churches thinking about a new-build scheme or major renovation project may find the 'Church Building Projects' website helpful. It has been created by two people who have worked with a number of churches undertaking substantial new-build or redevelopment schemes.
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