Reclaiming the Community of the Church
New BUGB President, the Revd Ernie Whalley is taking various aspects of Philippians as the focus for his Presidential year - under the heading ‘Like Stars in the Universe’.
As he travels around our churches Ernie will be drawing out the following themes:
Celebrating where we see the light of the Kingdom
Challenging Baptists to take active steps in cultivating Christ-like, Christ-centred church communities
Christ-Centred mission promoted across the Baptist Union of Great Britain’s 2000+ churches encouraging a willingness to take risks.
Like Stars in the Universe - Reclaiming Philippians for Today's Church
Ernie has written a Bible Study Series ‘Like Stars in the Universe - Reclaiming Philippians for today's church.’
This six-part Bible Study Series has been written with the local church in mind. Copies of these studies are
available from the online store at £3.00 + p&p.
Ernie invites us all to…
"Join me on a journey to discover fresh truth from Paul’s letter to the Philippians. I believe there are deep connections between this first letter to Europe and the challenges we face here today. May we hear the word of God together and act on it."
He would love to get your feedback on the studies, and so the Like Stars website was set up to enable you to engage with the themes and share your thoughts.
Reclaiming the Community of the Church
At the start of his Presidential year, Ernie Whalley gave an address to the Baptist Assembly entitled 'Reclaiming the Community of the Church'.
Click here to download the text of this address.