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The Baptist Assembly


Telford - 17-19 May 2024

‘When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place’
Baptist Assembly 2024 was over Pentecost weekend - a wonderful opportunity to be filled afresh with the gift of the Holy Spirit, as we dwelt on the words of Acts 2 throughout. We hope that those friends from across the Baptist family who joined us experienced many special moments during the weekend.

Join us next year in West Bromwich - 16-17 May 2025

On the day registration for Baptist Assembly 2024
Registration at Telford
Publicity graphics
Images for churches to download and use to publicise Baptist Assembly 2024
Carbon offsetting 2024
Why not consider carbon offsetting for your travel to Baptist Assembly 2024?
Join us for Assembly 2024
Booking has now closed - find out how to get a ticket
Find out more about joining the Baptist parkrun in Telford - walk, jog, run or volunteer
NAMs 2024
Recognition of new ministers and mission personnel
Ministers' Commissioning at Assembly 2024
Find photos and video of the ministers' commissioning on Saturday evening
Recordings from Assembly 2024
Find videos of Lynn's addresses at our Assembly
Assembly Reports
Read reports of sessions in this year's programme
Programme Overview
The latest information about our programme for 2024
Assembly Reports
Read reports of sessions in this year's programme
Recordings from Assembly 2024
Find videos of Lynn's addresses at our Assembly
Ministers' Commissioning at Assembly 2024
Find photos and video of the ministers' commissioning on Saturday evening
NAMs 2024
Recognition of new ministers and mission personnel
Carbon offsetting 2024
Why not consider carbon offsetting for your travel to Baptist Assembly 2024?