Tots, Children and Youth Programmes
Our Tots, Children and Youth programmes at Baptist Assembly will be a mixture of led sessions with teaching, worship, prayer and small group time as well as some free play, workshops and games. We have a real heart for seeing young people released into all that God has for them no matter what age, and are really looking forward to exploring this during our time at the Baptist Assembly.
TOTS (1 - 4 years)
We are delighted that the team from Christchurch Baptist Church will be working with us to provide a tots programme at Assembly. Sessions will be offered during the day on Saturday and Sunday and all children need to be registered for sessions at the time of booking. Times of the sessions available are below:
TOTS: A group for all children from 1 - 4 years of age
Session Times
Saturday |
09.45- 12.30 |
14.15 - 17.00 |
Sunday |
09.15 - 12.45 |
CHILDREN (Reception - Year 6)
iSingPop! are delighted to be back again, running the children’s work for the Baptist Assembly 2020. The team this year will be lead by iSingPOP tutor, Jessica. She will be joined by a small group of other tutors: Chris, Jake and Rhiana. They will also be joined by their master of arts and crafts amongst other things, Andy.
Both Chris and Andy are returning to the conference having served on the team before, while Jake, Rhiana and Jessica are excited to be joining them for the first time.
What to Expect: The sessions that the team lead will be packed full of fun games, crafts, Bible teaching and worship. Following on from last year’s theme of Creation, we will be looking at what it means to be stewards in our world and how we can help to make the world a better place. The children will be split into two groups, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, with slightly different activities for each group. This is to ensure that every child has as much fun as possible and is given the best opportunity to learn about and connect with God over the course of the weekend.
An added extra this year is a Saturday evening event for Year 3 - Year 6, Please make sure you register your children at the time of booking so as not to miss out!
CHILDREN: A group for all children in school years Reception to Year 6
Session Times
Saturday |
09.45 - 12.30 |
13.30 - 17.00 |
Saturday Eve (Year 3 - Year 6 only) |
19.15 - 21.30 |
Sunday |
09.15 - 12.45 |
YOUTH (Year 7 -Year 13)
Clare Hooper, S
CBA Children, Youth & Families Missional Developer along with a team of youth workers will be running the programme for all young people in school years 7 to year 13. Times of sessions are below. Please ensure that you register your young people into the sessions at time of booking to avoid disappointment.
YOUTH: A group for all young people in school years 7 to year 13
Session Times
Saturday |
09.45 - 12.30 |
13.30 - 17.00 |
Saturday Eve |
19.15 - 21.30 |
Sunday |
09.15 - 12.45 |
Please Note:
All children need to be registered for their various groups at the time of booking. We are unable register children or young people into the programmes on the event day itself.
You are responsible for supervising and ensuring the safety of your child/children at all times when they are not in a specific children/youth programme.
All of our Children and Youth team are DBS checked and adhere to our Safeguarding and Adults at Risk policies.