

Ecumenical Relationships

Over half Baptist churches are involved in some kind of ecumenical relationship. Many are part of a 'Churches Together' group in their town or city, or join together with other local churches for occasional worship or mission events. Some churches are part of a more formal Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP), covenanting with other churches to share aspects of their life together – from buildings, to ministry, to a Single Congregation Partnership sharing the whole of their worship and mission life. 

Click here for the Baptists and Ecumenism paper which looks at the distinctive contributions Baptists have to make to the ecumenical movement, and the future hopes and challenges of the journey.

Nationally, our Union is a member of Churches Together in England, and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and the World Council of Churches, which coordinate and encourage ecumenical working. The Joint Public Issues Team is an ecumenical  collaboration of Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Churches working together on justic and political issues.
We aim to encourage Baptists to engage ecumenically at whatever level they feel able.  Please do contact Hilary Treavis to talk further.

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