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'Bringing the community together to work as one so our young people can thrive and be safe' 

Romford Baptist Church has hosted a knife crime summit following a rise in knife and violent crime in the area

Knife crime summit at Romford

The summit gave the community the opportunity to chat with professionals and organisations about knife crime and what is going on in the borough to prevent it, according to the Havering Daily, which described the event as 'a step in the right direction.' 

It brought together parents, concerned residents, bereaved mothers, anti knife crime campaigners, the Romford MP Andrew Rosindell and local councillors.

Stalls were set up giving the local community the chance to chat with the many organisations working across the borough helping young people.

The event was hosted by Baptist minister Ian (Bunce), the Havering Daily added, 'the local pastor who did a fantastic job.'

It continued, 'This was a very well organised community event. It was also a very positive step in the right direction for Havering community as it encouraged open talk and gave residents the opportunity to voice their concerns.'

Ian explained the event was called after conversation with local councillors and civic leaders, and that representatives of other churches were present.

'Over the past few months there has been a dramatic rise in knife and violent crime within the area,' he said. 'There has been some significant injuries and also a murder as a result.  

'The local churches believed that we need to start the conversation, and so in partnership with the police, street pastors and other voluntary organisations, we called at short notice the Knife Crime Summit. 

'The event was attended by a large number of local community leaders, the police and other bodies such as the town safety partnership.  

'Other local church leaders were also present. We heard testimonies from people who were affected by knife crime, particularly parents who’s children were threatened on numerous occasions. One mother whose son was murdered talked about the deep pain of her experience. 

'The community have requested that the event is repeated going forward.

'As a local church with a care and concern for our community it was a deep privilege to be able to enable such a summit to happen.  

'It is part of the story of bringing the community together to work as one to make the local area a place where all people, particularly our young people can thrive and be safe.'

Image | The Havering Daily


Baptist Times, 28/03/2024
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