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Bruno and other friends: encounters and reflections

Baptist minister Ivan King explains why he has written a book honouring some of the ordinary people who have welcomed him into their world as a pastor - and his hope that readers may catch sight of the God who can sometimes be glimpsed in the events of everyday life


Bruno and Other FriendsAs a visit to your local library will confirm, biographies are very popular.  We are fascinated by glimpses into the lives of others. Those serving in pastoral ministry are privileged to meet all kinds of people in the day-to-day but most particularly at points of crisis in their lives.

In my time in Baptist ministry, I have served churches in east London and Essex and have had the joy of meeting many varied people who have invited me to accompany them as a pastor. Almost none of these were ‘movers, shakers or decision-makers’ in society; they were mostly ordinary people facing the kind of challenges common to many, trying to puzzle out where God is in difficult times. 

A year or two ago I felt I wanted to honour some of these dear folk by sharing their stories – discreetly, respectfully and with affection. So I wrote a book which has just been published: it is a series of short sketches of my friends, each paired with a brief reflection from the gospels. Meeting those named in the book has shaped both my faith and my character.

I hope that sharing these stories will not only honour my friends but, through them and their life experiences, others may also catch sight of the God who may sometimes be glimpsed in the events of everyday life.

I am convinced that reflection is essential for anyone in pastoral ministry. Without reflection, we may only see a multitude of faces or – worse still – only the problems that people have. When we stop and think about our interactions with the people we encounter, we open ourselves to the possibility that we may see and hear God in their situations. We move away from simply being problem-solvers and return once again to being pastors.

I am indebted to two senior Christian leaders who have offered commendations of the book, including Baptists Together General Secretary, Revd Lynn Green. Lynn comments: 

'This is a wonderful collection of heartwarming stories of precious people. In times of much uncertainty and change, Ivan’s book will re-connect you with the foundational truth that love is at the heart of things.

'The encounters and reflections shared so beautifully in this book will encourage you to trust that love expressed in a myriad of small moments like these are infinitely valuable and touch lives; embodying God’s coming Kingdom.’


Bruno & Other Friends: Encounters and Reflections is independently published on Amazon, with the author listed as Ivan Morgan King to avoid confusion with a similarly named author writing Christian material with a somewhat different emphasis. 

It is priced £8 for paperback and £4 on Kindle, via this link                                    


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