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Reports from our Small Church Hubs


'Small is effective and God blesses in many ways' - Joys and challenges were shared at the latest small church hub, which was planted in Leyland, Lancashire

Leyland Hub 1 (1)

Twenty-one people from four churches enjoyed fellowship over cake and tea on 9 March. We had a time of sung worship and prayer together, then were reminded from scripture that God often uses small things for His glory (David victorious over Goliath, Gideon’s small army winning) or multiplies small things (the lad’s picnic, yeast, mustard seeds). Small is effective and God blesses in many ways.

Luke 12:32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom."

Each church shared their joys which included welcoming new people including some asylum seekers, and having various words and pictures brought during a week of prayer.

One church celebrated having a youth group of 15, seven of whom were baptised recently, and a number of preachers within the congregation.

One church has recently started leadership and communications courses and has regular prayer to underpin all activities.

Another church celebrated God’s goodness in providing finances – the minister came in 2007, knowing the church only had enough money to pay him for 2.5 years, but he is still there! God is good.

The idea of a hub is to share resources where we can, so challenges were voiced too, such as living hand to mouth financially with a new treasurer in training. One church is searching and praying for a new minister, another is seeking ways to connect with their very diverse community and all are praying for God’s direction into the future.

So far, out of this first hub have come ideas about sharing preachers and prayer requests between the churches. Many people left saying “See you next time!” A good encouraging start!

If you are interested in a small church hub in your area, email Hilary Taylor


Mission focus at latest small church hub - 21 people gathered at Perry Beeches Baptist Church in February for the fourth small church hub, writes Hilary Taylor

Perry Beeches Hub 4 Feb2025 80

The worship team led our sung worship then the first session started with Jesus words “I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” Mark 16:18.

We told stories of when and how our churches were planted, usually a call to mission in a new place.

We thought about if we planted a church now, would we want a building and if so, would we rent or buy?

We had a small group activity discussing what would be foundational for a new church and if they match with our current priorities.

We looked at our general call and our specific call to mission and how the hub churches can help each other in this.

In the second session, we looked at the strategic steps from knowing nothing about God, to making a decision to follow Jesus then beyond.

After some teaching, the groups filled in a grid with their present church activities and ticked the boxes for what people were learning in each of them.

The feedback was interesting as we saw where the gaps were in our mission.

We then looked at two specific people groups (older people and our personal friends) and thought about activities, meals and conversations that could move people from no knowledge of God, to being part of a church family as a believer.

We prayed for each of the 12 small churches who are part of this hub, sadly noting that two others had closed recently.

SCC Banner 2025Sixteen hubs have been planted around the country so far, the next is to be near Preston in March.

If you would like to be part of a small church hub, do contact Hilary Taylor (pictured, right).     


'The Spirit moved and blessed all who attended' - February 2025 update

Small Church hub Bucks worshipThe small church hub in Buckinghamshire held their fifth event on Friday 31 January - a worship evening, as was requested after the last event.

Thirty people from four churches gathered at Holmer Green Baptist Church to spend time in worship in a variety of ways.

Rachael and Matt led us sensitively in sung worship, interspersed with scripture, prayers and silence. People were invited to share pictures, scriptures or words of prophecy (which many did) through the evening as well as having the opportunity to write poems and psalms or draw pictures.

We had a time of sharing what God said to us using the things around the room, which was a blessing to many.

We were introduced to Tino Beru, the new Mission Leader at Totteridge Baptist Church. It was also good that Andrew Openshaw, regional minister of Central Baptist Association attended.

We concluded with a time of prayer for each of the 11 small churches in the hub.

The evening flowed as the Sprit moved and blessed all who attended.

If you are interested in your small church (under 40 people) being part of a hub, do contact Hilary Taylor



'It’s encouraging to know that we are not alone!' - October 2024 update

Hub at Oakwood BC 27Oct24 1The Small Church hub gathering at Oakwood Baptist Church (Southgate, London) on 27 October was the last in our autumn season of hub events across the country.

40 people gathered from five churches and after tea, cake and conversation, we worshipped together before each church shared their recent joys and challenges. We then prayed in groups for each church.

It was interesting to note that out of the five churches, one has a full-time minister, one has a Minister in Training and the other three have interim ministers. One congregation has been visiting the other churches in the area for a joint service once a month which is building relationships. They have also been grateful for the help given by their regional minister.

A couple of churches told their stories of recent tough times, but how God is leading them now into a new season of blessing. There were many stories of reaching the community including:

  • Community events – celebrations, fireworks etc
  • Christingle services
  • Allsorts group & Cabbage Patch (Toddlers)
  • Warm space & memory café
  • Community quiz
  • Knit n Natter
  • Regular concerts
  • Door knocking (with training from London City Mission)

Several churches have seen people walking into the building on a Sunday (15 at one church!). This is happening in many places across the country. God is at work!

The prayer requests were for them to go deeper with God (worship, prayer and discipleship) and build confidence in reaching people with the gospel (generally but 18-28 year olds in particular).

For the current leaders to be refreshed or for God to raise up new ones. For a teacher for the children and young people in Sunday Club.

Comments from the evening:

Oakwood BC was a good venue, very welcoming, easy access, easy parking.
We appreciated this meeting. It’s encouraging to know that we are not alone! 


For more information about small church hubs in your area, contact Hilary Taylor

Stronger Together - June 2024 update

Two more small church hub gatherings have been held in recent weeks and more enquiries to start hubs are coming in.

At Perry Beeches Baptist Church in Birmingham, 21 people gathered for a Disciple Making workshop with our partners, Big Life. Jack Sykes led the training where they discussed scripture in groups and then shared their stories, some for the first time. The idea is to set up accessible small groups for interested friends of family, to discuss how faith impacts life.

There are 3 parts to the simple framework of the groups:

  • Look back (how did you put into practice what we spoke about last week?)
  • Look up (looking at the scriptures)
  • Look forward (what will we do this week with what we have learnt?).

The hub were blessed and energised to talk about the gospel more in the weeks to come. The next event is a gifting workshop on 12 October.

At Waltham Abbey, 30 people gathered for a retreat led by Sandra Kimber. Based on the character of the young David in 1 Samuel 16 and 17, we explored God’s potential, God’s preparation and how to defeat our giants. The day was a sensitive mix of teaching, reflecting and challenge. We enjoyed fellowship as seven churches spent time over lunch getting to know each other.

Comments included:

  • It has been a brilliant session. Great to come together. Although a familiar story, it had a new angle and such a personal challenge for each of us. Thank you so much Sandra, Christine on her keyboard and WABC for making us feel so welcome.
  • Great retreat – encountered my giants, phobias and people that are hindering my progress.

The next event will be in the autumn – look for the date here 

If you are interested in joining or hosting a small church hub, contact Hilary Taylor

Scroll down for older reports.


‘I went home feeling refreshed and hopeful for our church’s future’

Perry Beeches BC 1The latest Small Church Connexion hub was planted on Sunday 18 February (2024), wonderfully hosted by Perry Beeches Baptist Church, North Birmingham.

Thirty-six people from four churches met for fellowship over tea and cake then Hilary, with the wonderful PBBC worship team, led a service of praise, scripture, sharing the joys and challenges of the churches and prayer for each church.

The joys included running café church and Alpha courses which have engaged new people with worship and God’s word.

The challenges included hard work for the leadership teams as 2 churches are without ministers, and another church in a time of grieving following the passing of their minister.

There was a need for discerning God’s plan for the future in prayer in all churches. The feedback was very positive and the hub is already planning the next event! Here are some comments:
  • Thank you for inviting us
  • Splendid event! I go home feeling truly refreshed and hopeful for our church’s future
  • Enjoyed having the ‘small churches’ sharing their trials. With God everything is possible for He is the author of all things. It was such a joy to meet as the people of God and begin to establish relationships and discover what resources we have to share.

If you would like to know more about joining or starting a hub in your area, please contact Hilary Taylor.     


Small Church Hub 1
StotfoldBC Hub1
The first Small Church Hub was held on Saturday 1 October 2022 at King’s Baptist Church in Stotfold, Bedfordshire. People from four churches attended and worked together well. The first event was a gifting workshop based on the five-fold ministry in Ephesians 4 plus two other gifts. The presentation was well received and the discussion lively.

We gave out feedback forms to assess how the people felt about moving forward with the hub as a place of support, training, celebrating and resourcing. When asked if they would attend more small church hubs, they ALL said yes!

There were really interesting answers to the two questions:
  • What help do you need from the other hub churches?
  • What could you offer to the other hub churches?
It was good to see where help was needed but also how the churches could offer support to each other. There were some appreciative responses to the venture and enthusiasm to meet regularly.

“Thank you, it has been very good and very much worthwhile”
“Good to begin to get to know others on the same wavelength with a similar heart – Thank you”.
“Great event and initiative”

If you are interested in hosting or attending a small church hub near you, please get in touch with Hilary Taylor.   


Small Church Hub 2

The second Small Church Hub was held on Saturday 5 November 2022 at Eastern Avenue Baptist Church in Chadwell Heath, Essex. Nineteen people from four churches attended and worked together well.  This first event was a gifting workshop based on the five-fold ministry in Ephesians 4 plus two other gifts. The presentation was well-received and the discussion lively.

We gave out feedback forms to assess how the people felt about moving forward with the hub as a place of support, training, celebrating and resourcing. When asked if they would attend more small church hubs, they said 'yes'!

There were really interesting answers to the two questions:
  • What help do you need from the other hub churches?
  • What could you offer to the other hub churches?
It was good to see where help was needed but also how the churches could offer support to each other. There were some appreciative responses to the venture and enthusiasm to meet regularly. Comments included:
  • "Excellent time together for teaching and nourishment"
  • "Our sincere thanks to the organisers of the event"
  • "Great to have a place to discuss your thoughts and to hear other people's experiences and concerns"


Small Church Hubs 3 and 4 (report February 2023)

Small Church Hubs planted so far…
The idea of a ‘Hub’ is to be a centre for smaller churches to meet for training, resourcing, celebrations and discussion, held in a building, (of a small or large church) which has a car park (and/or near a station) and good facilities which are openhearted and welcoming.

To meet, talk, pray, listen and dream about how God wants His church to reach out to those who are lost. To work together on projects and to share expertise.

Hubs can be anywhere in the country, to be a centre for the local churches who can reach the hub building in about 30-45 minutes.

Two hubs were set up in autumn 2022 at King’s Church, Stotfold, Bedfordshire (CBA) and Eastern Avenue Baptist Church, Chadwell Heath, Essex (LB). (see above)

TotteridgeTwo more have been set up in January 2023 in Totteridge Baptist Church, High Wycombe (CBA) and Waltham Abbey Baptist Church (LB). 

The Totteridge Baptist Church hub was attended by three churches (although other churches were invited) and all enjoyed the Gifting Workshop event. The workshop was to identify their primary spiritual gift (Ephesians 4 v12) and to discuss how this works in practice in gifting groups. This meant that everyone got to know the others in their group and many ideas were shared. It was also good to pray together and have the opportunity to prophesy over each other.

Waltham AbbeyAt Waltham Abbey Baptist Church, although sadly only two churches were represented, many from one church came so the results of the workshop can be put into practice there more easily.

The session was really appreciated in both hubs and everyone was keen to meet again several times a year for different events.

Here are some comments from the attendees:
  • I learnt a lot today and enjoyed meeting people
  • Lovely morning, so lovely to fellowship with other church members
  • Thank you, Totteridge Baptist for warmth and hospitality
  • Great time of encouragement and fellowship
  • Shame not more came from other churches…

There was also a hub launch on Saturday 11 February at Blaby Baptist Church near Leicester (EMBA). The Hub has now moved to Cosby Community Church.

If you are interested in hosting or attending a small church hub near you, please get in touch with Hilary Taylor


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