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Summer 2024 edition:

When we pray

BaptistsTogether Summer2024When Pete Greig founded the 24/7 Prayer movement he thought he had prayer sown up. “If only people would pray like us,” he remembers, “then revival would happen.”

But then his wife Sammy became seriously ill - and was not healed in the way he prayed for. Indeed, dangerous seizures remain an unwelcome part of her life. It led to Pete – the founder of a prayer movement now more than 20 years old – writing a whole book and more about unanswered prayer1.  

Prayer is of course an integral part of the Christian life: Jesus regularly took himself off to pray, encouraged persistence in prayer, and gave us the words of the most prayed prayer of all. Major events of the early Church were preceded by prayer. Paul encourages the Church in Thessalonica to ‘pray continually’. The Bible is full of stories of prayer, and of prayers.

So we know God calls us to be prayerful, and so many of us are. But would anyone admit to having prayer ‘sown up’? (In the gracious interview he gives overleaf, Pete readily confesses to being ‘a bit insufferable’ in the early days of 24/7 Prayer.) There’s always more to learn, even for those who have walked with Christ over many years.

It’s why, when Lynn Green and the Core Leadership Team encouraged a season of prayerful waiting and stillness in December, it helped set the course for this edition of Baptists Together magazine. While prayer has featured regularly in the editions over the years it has never been the direct focus in the way it is here.

The pages before you attempt to showcase prayer from different angles across our Baptist movement. The edition is therefore not an introduction to prayer, but a snapshot in the ways it features in the lives and ministries of our people and churches.

Our hope as an editorial group – our prayer even – is that your own prayer life and connection with God will be enriched and renewed by what you encounter in these pages.

1 God on Mute - Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer by Pete Greig (2007, updated 2020)

Click here for the Summer 2024 edition.

The key articles in the magazine are featured below:
Lynn Pete
Creating a Culture of Prayer: a conversation
General Secretary Lynn Green met Pete Greig, the founder of 24-7 Prayer, and asked him a range of questions about prayer More ...
Creating a Culture of Prayer Videos
A conversation between Lynn Green and Pete Greig More ...
Why Hope
Why Hope?
In a world which seems to be spiralling more rapidly into chaos with every passing year, how can we pray with hope? Baptist scholar Helen Paynter offers three biblical reasons More ...
I want to encourage us ALL
I want to encourage us ALL
A reflection by incoming President Steve Finamore in which he introduces his themes for the coming year More ...
Tarry Awhile
Tarry Awhile
Selina Stone introduces the Black Christian spiritual practice of ‘Tarrying’, in which believers actively wait to experience a manifestation of God’s presence. It has much to teach us in the life of faith, she writes - we are all tarrying for something. More ...
Evangelistic Prayer
The power of evangelistic prayer
Why prayer is at the heart of evangelism – and three evangelistic prayers anyone can commit to. By Chrissy Remsberg More ...
Pilgrimage: Prayer on the move
Paul Revill walked more than 500 miles from his old home in the north east in preparation for a new ministry in Portishead. He explains why pilgrimage walking is an intentionally prayerful activity More ...
Praying through Activation
Praying Through an activation
One of Matt Holman’s favourite ways to pray is by using an ‘activation’, which simply means hearing God through an activity. He introduces one here. More ...
A selection of resources to inspire your prayer life More ...
Praying for our children
Praying for our Children
How would those who lead our children like us to pray for them? And do they have recommendations on how we can encourage our children to cultivate a prayer life? More ...
Taken from the Baptist compilations Prayers of the People (2011) and Gathering up the Crumbs (2020) More ...
Chat and Catch800 2
Chat and catch 
Chat and Catch is a framework created by Parenting for Faith that encourages children to communicate with God on their own terms – and then to hear from Him. Kate Irvine, Parenting for Faith Support Coordinator, explains more More ...
Lament 800
A lamentable problem  
Tim Judson shares a brief overview of the biblical and historical tradition of lament More ...
For other articles from this edition, please see the 'Stories from the Ground' section.

A printed copy of the magazine is being sent to each minister, church secretary and church treasurer and additional copies are available to purchase from our online shop.
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