Introduction and Aims
BUEN - Spanish for 'good' - aims to inspire and enable the Baptists Together network of churches, associations and colleges to
recognise the goodness of God’s creation
share in God’s mission to care for it and respond to the climate and environmental crisis in practical ways at local, regional and national levels
work for justice for creation and people impacted by environmental change
We have contributed the development of our Union's
Ethical Investment Policy.
BUEN’s aim
To enable the Baptists Together family to be a prophetic movement in facing the climate and environmental crisis shaped by our shared values;
Seeking to be a movement of Spirit led communities
hearing the cry of creation, recognising God’s call to caring for creation as an integral part of missional discipleship
Feel like One Team
draw together different regional and world voices across the generations, listening to our failures, needs, fears and dreams, inspiring one another to a common desire to live in harmony with creation as disciples of Jesus
Embracing Adventure
individually, locally, regionally and nationally, transition to a zero net carbon network by 2035
Inspiring Others
seek to influence wider society to be part of a movement capturing God’s creative intent for human beings to care for creation
Share a hunger for God’s coming kingdom
through prayer and action, in the face of the climate crisis, seek justice for the Earth, enabling the flourishing of all living things and its peoples
How will BUEN work together for this?
BUEN will draw together a network of environmental partners across Baptists Regional Associations. In each Association, we are looking for at least two environmental partners, one of whom comes from the Millennial Generation. We want also to release the voices from Generation Z and children also. People who have a passionate concern for the climate and environmental crisis and a desire to work with others to help churches share in God’s mission to care for creation. A team of people who will provide inspiration and guidance to local churches and associations to how they can grow in in sharing in God’s mission to creation and seeking justice and hope for people impacted by the climate crisis.
Is the UK Baptist creation care response appropriate for the current global environmental crisis?

Hannah Gray (a member of Light of Life Baptist Church in Norfolk who works at the University of East Anglia managing environmental research projects in developing countries) has completed some research in response to this question. Through this research project, she sought to explore Baptist responses to the creation care crisis, both national and local, and evaluate their effectiveness. There is also a reflection on the Baptist response in relation to other denominations in the UK, and reasons for differences in approach and efficacy. Finally, there are some recommendations for future activity within the Baptist family to raise the profile of creation care and encourage individual churches to take action. Click here to
download an 'Executive Summary' outlining the outcome of this research.
If you'd like the
full details of Hannah's research, please download her full paper.
Hannah's research was undertaken with
Christian Rural and Environmental Studies.