Education chaplaincy
The majority of Baptist chaplains to the education sector work in higher education (universities and HE colleges). A smaller number are placed in further education colleges or schools. Only a small number are full-time. Most are local ministers offering a session or two per week in their local educational institution.
Chaplains in education have a precious opportunity to model and speak of their faith in Jesus to a generation of children, youth and young adults who have little or no grounding in what Christian faith is all about. Educational institutions often have policies that prohibit attempts to convert a pupil or student to a particular religion. Nevertheless, chaplains are always able to educate those students who enquire about the nature of faith and the person of Jesus. Chaplains also seek to offer pastoral care to both students and university staff. In higher education, where cults and sects have been known to target students, chaplains can also help students to distinguish healthy faith from spiritual abuse. Some get the opportunity to influence university decision-making through regular meetings with senior university leadership.
University chaplaincy in particular usually takes place within a team of representatives from various Christian denominations, and often as part of a larger team of mixed faiths. If you wish to work in this sector, you should be willing and able to work with those of other traditions or faiths whilst retaining confidence in your own faith position.
More information about university chaplaincy in particular is provided by the Churches Higher Education Liaison Group (CHELG), an ecumenical group that advises and resources HE chaplains. The Baptist Union is a partner member of CHELG.