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Carbon Offsetting at the Baptist Assembly

BMS World Mission has been carbon offsetting all our UK and international travel since 2008.  We are committed to creation stewardship through our UK presence, in operations and buildings, and in collaboration with the Baptist Union of Great Britain.

We are keen to offer delegates the opportunity to offset their travel, via our Assembly carbon calculator.  This money is set aside in an Eco Challenge Fund to support mission projects which have an emphasis on creation stewardship.Trees

BMS is collaborating with Climate Stewards to ensure projects have a carbon positive impact, as well as benefiting the local community and protecting wildlife, for example, the installation of solar power systems for hospitals in Chad and sustainable agro-forestry training in the Peruvian Amazon.  This year we are proactively seeking to invest the majority of the Eco Challenge Fund in tree planting.

We’re committed to asking venues to work with us to ensure the best possible recycling facilities for our events and maximise the use of sustainable resources and services.  At this year's Assembly you will find recycling bins throughout the venue and we’ll be recycling as much of the Assembly waste as possible in Bournemouth. 

The Bournemouth International Centre (BH Live) invest in sustainable solutions to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint in all the venues they operate. and run environmental schemes as highlighted in the press releases below:

Sustainability Programme gets five stars for BH Live

Thirsty Customers Top Up Water Supply in the Developing World
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