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The European Baptist Federation Council 2016 

Representatives of more than 40 member unions gathered for the annual Council of the European Baptist Federation in the Estonian capital Tallinn (28 September - 1 October): links to stories from the gathering

The spire of Oleviste (St Olaf's) Baptist Church, the tallest church in Tallinn. A service to open the 2016 EBF Council was held here

What is the European Baptist Federation?
God is calling us in four main areas, said General Secretary Tony Peck as he reflected on the EBF's identity when presenting his annual report

'Pray for an end to conflicts in the region'
The three resolutions agreed by Council members

'They are the most dedicated people'
Around 10,000 people have become members of 200 new Baptist church plants in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East since 2002

Challenges, blessings: the refugee crisis
Baptists in Europe and the Middle East involved in the response to the refugee crisis are seeing an 'incredible spiritual harvest' – but alongside there is a sense of anger, of being overwhelmed at its scale, and warnings about the growing pressure in places affected by the blockage of refugee routes, such as Italy, Greece and Turkey

Baptist identity in a post-denominational age
Reflections on Baptist identity were offered on each day of the 2016 annual council of the European Baptist Federation

Investing in young Baptist leaders
A new programme to invest in young Baptist leaders leaders will launch next March

The European Baptist Federation Council - a summary

Baptist Times, 03/10/2016
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     The Baptist Times 
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