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Revamped website shows people can come to faith online 

People who would never walk into a church on a Sunday morning to find answers will readily look for them in a search engine at midnight on a Friday, say co-ordinators of a website that answers questions about the Christian faith  

People can come to faith while sitting at their computer screens, but not by stumbling upon Bible verses quoted out of context - that was the message at the re-launch of a unique website that answers people’s questions about the Christian faith.
Christianity website400Every month, thousands of people look for answers to questions about Christianity on www.christianity.org.uk – from what do Christians believe about homosexuality to can I have my baby Christened? – demonstrating an appetite to know more. Many of them use the website to get in touch with the Christian Enquiry Agency for personal answers to individual questions.

At the other end of the computer screen, answering people’s questions and replying to people’s comments is Peter Graystone, co-ordinator of the Christian Enquiry Agency, which runs the website. 
He said: 'I am staggered at what people tell me about their spiritual thoughts behind the privacy of a computer screen. The longing for faith and meaning hasn’t gone away. People who would never walk into a church on a Sunday morning to find answers will readily look for them in a search engine at midnight on a Friday. 
'We always give people what they ask for, and nothing more than that. But if their question is, ‘Does praying ever work?’ it begins a conversation that might continue by email for months. And when we share our experience, Jesus makes himself known. In the goodness of God, people are coming to real faith online in a way I would not have thought possible some years ago.'
He added that as British adults are more likely to be internet-literate than knowledgeable about the Bible, churches must engage online as this is the place where seekers are found.
Research from the Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes Report 2014 showed 83 per cent of adults now go online using any type of device in any location and nearly all (98 per cent) aged between 16 and 34 are online.
But it’s not just the young ones – there has been a nine percentage point increase in those aged 65-plus going online – up to 42 per cent.

In 2014, there were more than 300,000 views of the www.christianity.org.uk website, with visitors ranging from school pupils wanting help with their religious education homework, to people who felt depressed and needed a listening ear, to those who are opposed to Christianity.


'We need to re-imagine our style... The substance doesn’t change, but the method has to - Gavin Calver

To encourage even greater usage, the website has now been revamped.
Speaking at the relaunch last week, Gavin Calver – on his first day as director of mission at the Evangelical Alliance – said there is a clear need for Christians to engage with the cultural contexts in which they live in order to draw people towards God.

'We need to re-imagine our style,' he said. 'The substance doesn’t change, but the method has to. We need to change the method in order that people can hear us. We need to tell Jesus stories in a world that wants to hear them.
'A lot of us lock ourselves away in the Church and speak a language only the Church speaks, so when we encounter people who don’t know Jesus, we find it hard to relate to them. We need a more incarnational form of ministry at times that gets in among people.'
Dr Bex Lewis, research fellow in social media and online learning at CODEC, St John’s College Durham, warned of the potential dangers of Christians bombarding their social media contacts with Bible verses without any context, but encouraged people to form real, in-depth relationships.
'Social media is about relationships,' she said. 'How do we encourage people to make those online relationships real? A lot of social media is about getting to know people and finding a starting point for conversation. A huge amount of it is listening. It’s not just about pushing content out.'
Peter encouraged all churches to write the website's address - www.christianity.org.uk - on the bottom of posters, emails "or anything that is read by people beyond the walls of a church."

'It’s so easy, and it’s free,' he continued. 'We’ll do all the rest.'

To find out more about how churches can support this ministry, visit www.christianity.org.uk

Baptist Times, 05/06/2015
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