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Session 8: Refreshment from God


[Click here to download the study group material, including a transcript of the video conversations, from our Resources Library.]

Bible verses:

Psalm 91, 1 Kings 19: 1-9, Matthew 11: 28-30 and Matthew 9: 12


We often find that God works through our most difficult – and significant – moments.  In loss or anxiety, awe or wonderment, when our own human resources seem incapable of making sense of what’s happening, God is never more present. What impact does this have on our faith?

This session also explores that perennial issue, ‘busyness’, and the importance of stepping back and taking in.

Watch the Video:

Click here to download this video in mpg, mp4 and wmv formats.


  • What moments in your life have caused you to go deeper in your experience of God?
  • Ruth speaks about “offering vulnerability as a strength”, hitting a terribly difficult moment, reaching out to God, and now being able to share something of God with others in similar situations.  Have there been instances where you can relate to this?
  • Chris quotes a speaker at his church saying: “Remember in the dark what you learned in the light.”  If you were to go in the dark tomorrow, what resources have you got?  How would you cope?  Where would you put your trust?
  • In what ways are you too busy?  Do you find you justify yourself by your tasks, what you do and how busy you are?  Are you robbing yourself, family and spirituality by being too busy?  Do you take seriously the grace of God?
  • Do you build times into your life when you take in?  What do you do?  What are those times?

Please share your reflections and feedback below.

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