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Session 7: Learning from the Psalms


[Click here to download the study group material, including a transcript of the video conversations, from our Resources Library.]

Bible verses:

Psalm 139: 1-6 and Psalm 131


The whole range of human emotion can be found in the Psalms, from praise and devotion, to fear, anger and lament. They provide us with scriptural words where we can express these emotions and bring them before God. What can we learn from the Psalms, and how can we use them today? 

Watch the Video:

Click here to download this video in mpg, mp4 and wmv formats.


  • Can you share your favourite Psalm?  Why is it your favourite?
  • Do you find the Psalms as encouraging?  What’s your experience of the Psalms?
  • If you were to write a Psalm of praise and thanksgiving – what would you be saying?
  • How about a Psalm of anger and questioning – what aspects of life would be driving these questions?  Are there areas of your life that you are not bringing before God?
  • Chris talks about ‘un-Christian’ sections of the Psalms, particularly in relation to enemies.  “There are aspects of the emotion and the intent and the prayer that are part of some of the Psalms that we would say is contrary to what Christ has shown us and taught us.”  In our prayer life are there times when we ask for inappropriate things?
  • How might we bring the Psalms more into our lives?
Please share your reflections and feedback below.
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